Prescribed Burning: The Benefits of Prescribed Fire in the Environment
Mart Bumgarner, Crops and Horticulture Agent, NC Cooperative Extension, Orange County, NC and Coordinator, Triangle Prescribed Burn Association
Hope Horton, Chair, Triangle Prescribed Burn Association

Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Eastern via Zoom
(Registration is required to receive the Zoom link for the live presentation. The presentation will be recorded.)
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About this Presentation:
Prescribed fires are often used as a way to manage and restore natural ecosystems by promoting the growth of native plants!
In this presentation, we'll will learn all about Prescribed Fire. Here's what we'll cover:
- Definition of prescribed fire
- Objectives of prescribed fire
- Who uses prescribed fire
- Requirements to prepare for a prescribed fire,
- Becoming trained
- Prescribed Burn Associations around North Carolina
- Triangle Prescribed Burn Association and our mission
The presentation will be recorded for
members to view later in our Video Library.
About Our Speakers:
Mart Bumgarner:
Mart is a North Carolina native, raised in Concord, NC, attended Concord High followed by college in Hickory, NC at Catawba Valley Technical College where he received his Associates Degree in Agri-Business in 1983. He continued his education in Agriculture where he received his Bachelor’s of Science Degree in General Agriculture from Tennessee Technical University in 1988. Mart was offered a career in the United States Army where he spent 26+ years on active duty. 2014 when he retired as a lieutenant colonel from the military, Mart went back to school attaining his Master’s Degree, studying Extension Education in order to poise himself for his dream job in Cooperative Extension. 2016 Mart began his extension career as the Crops and Horticulture agent in Orange County, NC where he continues to serve.
Mart is responsible for the assisting farmers with soil fertility, and crop issues, the Master Gardener(SM) Volunteer and Master Naturalist Programs, the Orange County Pesticide Continued Education Coordinator, Commercial and urban horticulture, Farm pond issues, soil samples, weed identification, plant, disease and insect sample submission, and Triangle Prescribed Burn Association Coordinator.
Hope Horton:
Hope comes to prescribed burning through her work to establish Common Ground Ecovillage in Efland, NC. This 112-acre property has about 30 acres of farm and fields and the rest is forested. She has long been interested in employing fire as a land management tool but was unable to connect successfully with the Forest Service to this end for many reasons. In August of 2023, Hope attended a statewide ForestHer gathering and learned about Prescribed Burn Associations. She attended the Certified Burner class with Mart in October and they established the Triangle Prescribed Burn Association in December. As Chair of the TPBA, she has enjoyed spreading the word about PBAs and building a mutual-aid organization that empowers landowners to care for their land and habitats with fire.
*Approval of this presentation for continuing education credit is at the discretion of
your program.