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  • Learn to Design Plant Tags with Canva

Learn to Design Plant Tags with Canva

  • 12 Oct 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Zoom


  • Individuals who are not members of the state Association

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Learn to Design Plant Tags with Canva!

Date:  Thursday, October 12, 2023

Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. EST via Zoom 

(Registration is required to receive the Zoom link for the live presentation)


Members- Free 

Non-Members - $10 (non-refundable) - once the recording is ready to view, we'll send you a link that will be valid for 30 days.  OR you can join GAONC ($20/year membership fee), attend ALL of our presentations for free, AND have access to all of the recordings in our Video Library to view on demand.


Does your organization host a plant sale?  Everyone wants their plant sale customers to have ALL of the information that they need to help them select and successfully grow the plants they purchase from your plant sale. In this presentation, you will learn everything you need to know to create small, booklet style plant tags that measure 2” x 2.75” when folded, using the free online graphics program, Canva.

This will be a live, step by step demonstration of how to use Canva to create plant tags.

The presentation will be recorded for 

members to view later in our Video Library.

About our Speaker: 

Doreen Browning is an abundantly curious, creative, lifelong learner with multiple hobbies and passions and zero artistic talent. Most of the things that she has learned are the result of trying to solve a problem or answer a question. When preparing for a plant sale in 2020, she realized that the organization she was volunteering for could probably improve their sales if each plant had an attractive and informative tag on it and the quest to create such a tag began!

*Approval of this presentation for continuing education credit is at the discretion of

your program.


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GAONC is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation

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8295 Scarlet Oak Court

 Harrisburg, NC 28075