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  • Creative Canvas: Mastering the Art of Web, Print, and Press Design with Canva & Beyond

Creative Canvas: Mastering the Art of Web, Print, and Press Design with Canva & Beyond

  • 09 May 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Zoom


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Please join us for our May 2023

Behind the Curtain Program

Creative Canvas: Mastering the Art of Web, Print, and Press Design with Canva & Beyond

Date:  Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. EST via Zoom (link will be sent in the registration confirmation email)

(Registration is ONLY required to attend the live presentation)


Members- Free 

Non-Members - $10 (non-refundable) - or you can join the state Association ($20/year membership fee), attend ALL of our presentations for free, AND have access to the recordings to view later

After the presentation, attendees will be able to:

Understand the workflow concepts:

Product Goals: business card, post card, flyer, html email, newsletter, magazine, book

Destination Goals: web, print, or press

Branding Requirements: NCEMGVA, county MGV program, etc.

Layout Design: headers, sidebars, navigation, footers

Workflow: pre-production, production, and post-production

Learn about production:

Pre-Productiongathering media: shapes, images, videos, and text along with attributions; preparing media: cropping, annotating, adjusting brightness, levels, contrast, etc.; finalizing media: sizing for web, print, or press use, and saving with names that provide useful information.

Productiondemonstrate how to use Canva tools to create a layout and implement the desired product for web, print, or press.

Post-Productionconvert or import to another product (e.g., to PDF, InDesign, etc.), update metadata (document properties, view defaults), deliver (as web page, html e-mail, print, or send to a press printer)

Can access tools on the web: for color work, sizing, manipulating images, videos, and text, and  delivery (URLs provided)

The presentation will be recorded for state Association

members to view later in our members only Video Library.

Our Speaker: 

Steve Amerige became a certified Master Gardener volunteer last year in Wake County. By day, he's a Distinguished Software Developer at the prestigious SAS Institute in Cary, NC and he gives his all after work and on weekends to the Master Gardener Volunteer program. He is the graphic design editor of Wake County's Dirt newsletter and has more than two decades of experience in the publishing industry.

**Please check with your agent to confirm approval for continuing education credit.


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8295 Scarlet Oak Court

 Harrisburg, NC 28075