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  • Handling Press Relations

Handling Press Relations

  • 30 Jun 2022
  • 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Zoom
  • 69


  • Individuals who are members of NCEMGVA
  • Individuals who are not members of NCEMGVA

Registration is closed

Please join us for an EXTRA SPECIAL presentation designed to empower Master Gardeners! **

Press Relations

Date: June 30,  2022 10:00-1100 a.m., EST, via Zoom (link will be sent in the registration confirmation email)

Registration is required to attend the live presentation.  


NCEMGVA members – Free

Non-Members - $10 (non-refundable) - or you can join NCEMGVA,  attend all of our presentations for free, and have access to our library of recordings to view later!

Speaker:  Donna Coulson, Certified Extension Master Gardener Volunteer, Brunswick County, NC

Donna will give us seven helpful hints that we can use to promote the range of our Master Gardener programs and activities, whether we're doing fundraising or education.  She will tell us how to find, develop, and maintain relationships with the local press.  She will show us how we can keep it simple and that it doesn't have to take a lot of time.  Donna will also talk about using the NCSU Press Release Template

The presentation will be recorded for NCEMGVA members to view later.

About our Speaker:

Donna Coulson has been a Master Gardener since 2014 in Brunswick County near the Carolina Coast, Zone 8. She enjoys House Calls, Docent-in-the-Garden, Plant Sales, and educating her neighbors on flowers, shrubs, and bugs. She despises weeding and was cited by her HOA for weeds. Last year she took the NCSU/Longwood Gardens Therapeutic Horticulture series and became interested in gardening when Arthur Itis comes calling.

Donna is the press liaison for her County and enjoys establishing new relationships with editors, reporters, garden clubs and HOA representatives and maintaining existing relationships. In her prior life she worked in Public Relations for AT&T/Bell Laboratories and in Human Resources for Prudential

Financial and NJ Natural Gas. She has owned her own coaching and training business for 24 years and still works part-time teaching coaching and business development. She distributes Posters and Coasters to restaurants, bars, and businesses as part of her theater volunteer duties in Wilmington for Wilson

Center and Thalian Hall. That is how she learned her way around town.

When the press comes calling, do answer the Email or phone quickly and get them an answer fast to meet their deadlines. Linger, and you are yesterday’s news. However, you do not have to stress yourself whenever you do a press release or publicity if you have a format and protocol in place. Of course, you want to follow the NCSU rules on logos—what flies and what does not. And make it easy on yourself yet have fun. And always save a hard copy of every press release you send out in case the system goes down in a thunderstorm.

***Master Gardeners - this program has not yet been approved for continuing education credit.   Please check with your agent.

NCEMGVA:  We Inspire, Connect, and Empower Master Gardeners


Inspire Connect Empower

GAONC is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation

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8295 Scarlet Oak Court

 Harrisburg, NC 28075